"The word resist is interestingly equivocal. It is not synonymous with words of ultimate negation like ‘dismiss’ or ‘ reject.’ Instead, it implies a measured struggle that is more tactical than strategic. Living changes us, in ways we cannot predict, for the better and the worse. One looks for principles, but we are better off if we control them, not the other way around. Principles can become tyrants, foreclosing on our ability to learn. When they do, they, too, must be resisted....

"Resist whatever seems inevitable.[...]

Resist the idea that architecture is a building[...]

Resist taking the path of least resistance.[...]

Resist people who are satisfied.[...]

Resist that feeling of utter exhaustion."



[rowan's] the·sis (thē'sĭs) 

n. pl. the·ses  (-sēz) 

1. A proposition that is maintained by argument.

2. A dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, especially as a requirement for an academic degree.

3.A hypothetical proposition, especially one put forth without proof.


thanks ian

david maisal
history's shadow


once loved up close, 
loved now in a memory. 
as nature, 
reclaims some hold,
these walls sit quiet,
but assured.
additions and attritions of time
show on every surface,
confirming some certainty,
revealing some truth.


zine_  typically a self-published not-for-profit magazine.  Heterogeneity characterizes the zine world, which spawns diversity in format, size, scope, purpose, and periodicity (often erratic).  In my opinion, one of the best attributes of many zines is honesty.  Zines form out of passion, not profit, and so a reader often finds viewpoints and ideas not commonly found in commercial magazines.  A zine can provide refreshing purity of content in comparison with the watered-down mainstream media
